About me, The Windows 95 Guy:
I'm just a 17 year old with an obsession of the 80's and 90's. I love ALL technology from those time periods. The computers, televisions, radios, games, music, media types, and more! I do reviews, podcasts, live videos, and sometimes have guests on with me. I do restorations aswell. I live in a small town; a town with not alot of money. My bedroom (GA Data Systems) most likely has the most technology in my whole town. I also like to do things that most people would never even think of doing. I ran a television and a PlayStation 2 in my locker at school with a APC computer battery pack, watched television in my yard, ran an intire computer in a Jeep, hooked a ChromeBook up to a CRT, ran a fan off the usb port on my tablet, hooked a 3.5 inch floppy disk drive on my smart phone, ran Windows 95 off a Iomega Zip 100 disk, usedd an IBM PS/2 on my deck, and connected to a computer through another computer. I do so much random or just unentended things with technology. Sometimes its practical, sometimes not so much. I'll tell you this, I became a legend in my high school because of my game system in my locker. People seem to like this kinda of stuff, so thats why I made a YouTube channel about it. So enjoy my retro content!
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